I spent a great day with the young man that you see pictured on Tim’s yesterday. Jared has been a very close friend of our youngest son Daniel and Rena and I for years. Jared just started bass fishing about 3 years ago and just keeps getting better and better. He asked me you go with him in his boat yesterday and I was more than happy to oblige . When we first got to the lake there wasn’t much wind for at least 3 1/2 hours but it eventually got stronger and stronger (20 + sustained-30 gusts) Great Tim’s Ford wind. I took us to a long shallow gravel bank that historically is a good jerkbait bank and the results was the 3 that you see above-4 that should have been and 2 or 3 smaller fish. All but 2 on a jerkbait. Now in full disclosure we tried 2 other similar banks with zero results. Thats Tim’s Ford-makes you scratch your head some times. Rapala is a jerk bait industry leader with a variety that fits EVERY situation. From ultra light to 5 inch and larger. A unmatched variety of colors-depth-actions and match the hatch graphics . Best thing to do is go to www.rapala.com and check the possibilities out for you self and you particular needs. I plan on doing a Jerk Bait post soon with pictures and specific bait details. Thanks for visiting my site. Rick McFerrin www.tennesseebassguides.com
Category Archives: Fishing Reports
13 Fishing & New Sufix Revolve
I’m excited to share with you a couple new items from Rapala. The first is the new “Revolve Finesse Braid” that comes in Neon Lime and Low Vis Green and 4-6-8-10-12 and 14 lb test. Revolve is designed for finesse applications. It has a ultra fine diameter but retains the tensile strength that we all depend on. The line is very smooth and I have yet to have a wind knot that can be a problem with some braids. I appreciate that there is a mid point marker at 100 yards that can help you divide the spool equally if desired. I’m using Revolve on one of my spinning reels and on my new 13 Fishing Concept Z SLD Bait Caster and it works equally well on both. YOU NEED TO check this reel out, There are so many ++++’s about this reel that you need to see. Please go to www.rapala.com and click on 13 fishing for all the info. I’m primarily a spinning guy-but I have found that throwing smaller baits like a #5 Rapala Shad Rap rigged on a med/light bait casting rod is no problem because of the slide magnetic cast control and alows you to cast with or into the wind with the flick of ryour fingers.
Now to create a little controversy with some– I’m NOT A FFS GUY-I have little to no interest in watching a screen all day chasing fish that most likely need to be left alone. Biologists are studying the effect of FFS now on the long term health of our lakes even now. I know that I’m looked at as a “Use To Be” at 77 years old. I know that I don’t catch fish like I use to-Age and health has caught up with me-but that’s alright. But let me share with you my thoughts for a young person for a minute. I was a full time guide for almost 15 years on Old Hickory-Tim’s Ford and Normandy. I made my living and fed my family by fishing 5 days a week year round in shallow water. Most of the times I didn’t even need to turn my electronics on. I used a relatively small variety of hard and soft baits. Like Luhr Jensen Speed Traps-Rapala Shad Raps-Rapala Floaters-DT’s-fluke and soft stick type baits. I URGE ALL YOUNG FISHERMEN to learn how to read the water that your on-make your self learn 10 feet or less. Learn what to look for-seasonal patterns water color and levels-bait movement etc. If you do that you can set your self apart from those that are 100% relying a multiple 12 inch screens. Rapala makes an abundance of hard and soft baits that you can choose from to fit your area-Learn how to fish shallow water without the aid of a FFS unit. Just a thought from Woodbury Tn Thanks for visiting my site Rick McFerrin www.tennesseebassguides.com
Recent Trip Pic’s Feb/March 2025
I’m running behind on posts of recent trips. To make thing simple I have fished by my self and with my son and daughter in law and friend Ken Jenkins a couple times over the past few weeks. I have posted the best of those trips-there was several smaller fish thats not shown. I have keyed in on the “Shallow” winter crankbait bite and found the OG Tiny Deep Classic Craw and Citrus Shad producing most of the bites for me. As always my line of choice is Sufix Mono and Braid. In my next post I’ll talk a little bit about a new braid that I believe you will be very interested in. Thanks for visiting my site. Rick McFerrin www.tennesseebassguides.com
2025 Marks 24 Years With Rapala
I need to take time this morning to express my gratitude to Rapala USA for the support and kindness that they have shown me over these 24 years. In 2001 at 52 years old I was on the Luhr Jensen Pro Staff when Rapala purchased them. I stayed on the Luhr Jensen staff for 2001 and 2002 then was transitioned to the Rapala Pro Staff and have been there every since. I’m 76 now will be 77 in May and although I have had my health up’s and down which created significant time off the water Rapala’s loyalty to me has never waivered. As I approach the 2025 season I’m actually excited to see what’s in store. Time and fish co-operation will tell the tale when we reach 2026.
One last note. I believe that if a young person wants to succeed in this very ultra competitive business where the $$$$ for sponsorships have dwindled YOU HAVE TO BE LOYAL to your sponsors. You don’t have your hand stuck out wanting them to fill it—YOU EARN what you get. You have to be always honest with them and transparent in your business relation ship. And remember you need them more than they need you. Rick
Tim’s Ford 12-30-2024
My son Rick Jr. and I fished Tim’s for 4 hours yesterday all within sight of the ramp and caught the 5 fish you see above and lost 2 more. We didn’t have any big fish as you can see but just a good father/son time out together. My best came on a OG Deep Tiny 7 Classic Craw (pictured above) www.rapala.com This is a flat sided balsa wood bait with a tight wobble These fish would nail the OG Tiny-you didn’t have to wonder if you got a hit for sure. Winter Rapala crankbait time is on us right now. There are 19 color patterns of the Tiny’s to meet any water condition that you might encounter. I always throw crankbaits up to a 12 foot bait on Sufix 6lb Pro mix Mono and a VMC Snap to give the bait a little more freedom. Water temp was a consistent 51 degrees and is at 874.5 which is 1 1/2 feet above winter pool. I hope to get back to Tim’s soon and cover more water and see what I can find on the Tiny’s and DT’s Thanks for visiting my site Rick McFerrin www.tennesseebassguides.com
Tim’s Week Of 11-11-2024
I fished twice this week and thankful for that. Believe me I’m NOT WHINING but I’m still a little short on energy and stamina right now I’m good for 4 hours. Truthfully I’ve stayed pretty much with jigs and soft plastics-very few moving baits-at this point in my recovery from open heart that seems to work .In the 2 days we caught and released several smallmouth the size that Ken and my daughter-in-law Amanda are holding. Just fun size. Hope for better reports in the weeks to come. I appreciate all the prayers and support. Rick
Tim’s Ford 10-18-2024
Fished Tim’s yesterday for 5 hours with long time friend Ken Jenkins. We knew when we left our homes that this was going to be a different weather day than what I had last week. Today was a Cold front-blue bird skies and dead calm wind for most of the day. Not making excuses just giving you the facts. I decided to stick with soft plastics and a VMC Weedless Finesse Jig www.vmchooks.com again today-not going to push very hard yet chuck’n and wind’n at this point. Working on my stamina which is getting better every week. Trying to get ready for winter Smallmouth Rapala crankbait weather. Water temp was 69 degrees and they had pulled the lake about 1 1/2 foot over night. To make a long story short we caught several small/short fish today and 1 good smallie. The pics such as they are was our best. I have my 6 year old grandson for a couple days next week on his fall break so we are going to spend those days together on the lake. I will post what we do . Have a great weekend Rick McFerrin www.tennessee bassguides.com
Back On The Water Tim’s Ford Small Mouth
Rick Jr. and I fished Tim’s today and I have to say IT IS GOOD to be back on the water. It’s been a long 4 months but I’m thankful to be here writing this to you today. This was my first opportunity to use my new 13 Fishing 3.0 Axum Spinning reel loaded with Sufic 20 yellow braid and a 8lb test Sufix Fluorocarbon leader. VMC Weedless Finesse Jig and soft plastics did the trip. The reel is a 6:2;1 and very smooth. You can view all these products that I just listed at www.rapala.com I encourage you to check them out. More soon to come Lord willing. Thanks for visiting my site Rick McFerrin www.tennesseebassguides.com
Health Update Oct 6-2024
Just a quick update. I’m back on the water and thankful for that. I fished twice last week once with my son and daughter and with a local friend the end of the week. I’m trying to make sure all things are good to go before I venture out by myself. Finished my Cardiac Rehab at St Thomas the Monday and we will see how it go’s from here. Thanks for visiting my site. MYBE pictures soon. Rick
Health Update 8-16-2024
Just a brief update. I started cardiac rehab at St Thomas in Murfreesboro . It’s a 12 week course 3 days per week-and being the early person I am I chose 6:30 am as my start time. My blood pressure has been running exceptionally well and my cardiologist said that my sternum is healing as it should. I finally able to mow my own yard on my tractor-and pick up 10lbs. To quote my doc I can go out on a boat “But no wave busting” and Im not to “resume casting” (Spinning or bait cater) until after Thanksgiving. By that time my chest should be pretty much healed. Just in time for winter smallies! Other than bouts of boredom everything is moving along. Everyone take care-and I appreciate all the calls and messages. Rick