Woods/Normandy 3-2 & 3 2021

WoodsNormandy 002 WoodsNormandy 003 WoodsNormandy 004 WoodsNormandy 005 WoodsNormandy 006 WoodsNormandy 008 WoodsNormandy 009 WoodsNormandy 010

I fished Woods yesterday, the Smallmouth above was my best 2. One was a little over 18 the other right on 18.  Both was caught on a Arashi Parrot Flat 7. Ronnie is holding our best in 3 1/2 hours this morning all caught on a one of the following 3 Rapala DT6 Red Craw-Demon-Caribbean Shad www.rapala.com and Sufix 6 and 8lb Pro Mix mono www.sufix.com . Big fish was 4lb 12 ounce and total for best 5 was 14lbs. Water temp on Woods Tuesday was 47 to 54 degrees and 3/4 of the lake has a lot of color.  Normandy has good color  and the area we fished ranged from 50 to 52 degrees. Glad to have Ronnie back out today-he has been under the weather—Thanks for visiting my site. Rick McFerrin www.tennesseebassguides.com