Tim’s Ford 6-12-23 With My Grandson Marshall (5yrs old)

Tims 6-12-23 w Marshall 007 Tims 6-12-23 w Marshall 027Tims 6-12-23 w Marshall 012Tims 6-12-23 w Marshall 020Tims 6-12-23 w Marshall 011Tims 6-12-23 w Marshall 009Tims 6-12-23 w Marshall 022 Tims 6-12-23 w Marshall 013  Tims 6-12-23 w Marshall 016 Tims 6-12-23 w Marshall 008Tims 6-12-23 w Marshall 017 Tims 6-12-23 w Marshall 018 Tims 6-12-23 w Marshall 021 Tims 6-12-23 w Marshall 024 Tims 6-12-23 w Marshall 025 Tims 6-12-23 w Marshall 026

Marshall had several 1st today. (1) He had never been in a bass boat (2 He had never caught a Smallmouth-Largemouth or White Bass (3) Never caught anything on artificial.  His 2 Smallmouth’s was 17 3/4–and 17 inches and his Largemouth was almost 18 inches. He also caught 15 White bass ALL ON a Rapala Ultra Light Crank Silver (pic) and Blue www.rapala.com and 6lb Sufix  Nanobraid (pic)  www.sufix.com trolling with either the trolling motor or outboard.  The only help he got from me was holding up on the micro light rod when he had the bass on.  The Ultra Light Cranks and Nanobraid on a ultra light action rod will pay dividends as the water warm up into the 80’s… Check both of them out at Rapala.com  there are videos that correspond to them as well. Marshall is the next generation of McFerrin fishermen—I watched him today pay attention to exactly what I asked him to do —he wanted to catch fish and he did all by himself. Thanks for visiting my site. Rick McFerrin www.tennesseebassguides.com