Health Update 8-16-2024

Just a brief update.  I started cardiac rehab at St Thomas in Murfreesboro . It’s a 12 week course 3 days per week-and being the early person I am I chose 6:30 am as my start time.  My blood pressure has been running exceptionally well and my cardiologist said that my sternum is healing as it should. I finally able to mow my own yard on my tractor-and pick up 10lbs. To quote my doc  I can go out on a boat “But no wave busting” and Im not to “resume casting” (Spinning or bait  cater) until after Thanksgiving. By that time my chest should be pretty much healed. Just in time for winter smallies! Other than bouts of boredom everything is moving along.  Everyone take care-and I appreciate all the calls and messages. Rick