Tim’s Ford 10-14-2014

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Yesterday and last night here in Tennessee was crazy with some very bad weather. Heavy rains, winds and even a funnel cloud or two moved across our state from one side to the other. When I got up this morning at 3:30am it was till pouring but I got the boat ready and at 5:15am headed to Tim’s. I spent the first 1 1/2hrs sitting in the parking lot at the ramp with the rains getting harder than they were when I got up. Finally there was  a little break in the rain so I put in and for the first couple hours didn’t have bite one. The lake was white capping and the heavy rains would come and go.  I kept changing baits and finally got 5 bites on the 4 inch Trigger X Watermelon Red Swimming Grub www.triggerx.com rigged on a 1/4 ounce  VMC Dater Head Jig www.vmchooks.com When the fish are deeper (15′ & down)  I like to fish these Wide tailed Trigger X grubs on a 1/4 or 3/8 VMC Dater Head because it keeps a great  balanced horizontal profile when you are swimming  them in deeper water. The width of the tails puts off a great vibration even when your cranking slowly like I was today. I threw these on 6lb test Sufix Mono www.sufix.com and a 7′ med AllPro APX Spinning Rods www.allprorods.com. When the weather changed and the high pressure moved in it was all over.  These fish came out of a entirely different end of the lake than the ones that I had last week. 70  degree rising water —–be interesting in the next few days. Rick McFerrin www.tennesseebassguides.com