Normandy 4-2-2019

Normandy 4-1-2019 002 Normandy 4-1-2019 003 Normandy 4-1-2019 005 Normandy 4-1-2019 007

Best of 7.   It  started out sloooow this morning . I fished from 7am until 11am with only 1 bite. I was just about ready to load out when I caught the ones you see above on a VMC Fineese 3/32 ounce jig and soft plastics.  I talked to 3 other guys fishing in 2 separate boats–1 boat had 1 and the other zero. It was just plain tough. Sufix 10lb performance braid and 6 pound Sufix Fluorocarbon leader. The bite was so soft  and the Sufix Braid sure helped in detecting the bite. More in a couple days Lord willing. Rick McFerrin