I fished the last day and a half with some old friends the father and son team of Terry and Logan Siberry from Greenville Ohio. Terry’s family and I go back 40 years or more. They have always been close to us and I always enjoy them coming down to fish. The ones you see above was the best of 12 yesterday. We had an additional 16 this morning between 7:00 am and 11:30 am but all were very short. We lost 2 good fish-1 yesterday and 1 today. Everything on a VMC Finesse Weedless Jig Head www.vmc hooks.com and soft plastics. Water temp up a couple degrees today. The ramp situation is getting a little touchy——State Park is border line-Tim’s Ford Marina is a NO—-we put in a Holiday today and my trailer dropped off the left side looking down the ramp—–stay as close to the middle as you can. I saw a couple boats in the Turkey Creek parking area that put in there—-just be careful. Thanks for visiting my site Rick McFerrin www.tennesseebassguides.com